Yesterday we published our EA Sports UFC review, but here’s something new you can watch about the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 MMA game. YouTube user Tommy Toe Hold has put together a video that collects some of EA Sports UFC’s funniest glitches. It’s not just a glitch highlight reel, either. Presenters pretending to be Joe Rogan and Mike Goldberg attempt to explain just what the heck is going on, and it’s all really very good and worth a watch.

According to Tommy Toe Hold, the glitches you see in the video are pretty uncommon.

We gave EA Sports UFC a 5 out of 10, praising its graphical prowess, but lamenting its combat systems for being flawed. “EA Sports UFC manages to make only certain aspects of MMA both fun and functional, forcing most fights to play out in a familiar, brawling fashion,” wrote reviewer Josiah Renaudin. “Even if you do enjoy swinging for the fences, there’s just not enough content here to justify the full retail price. It might look the part of a world champion, but EA Sports UFC will need a great deal of fine-tuning before it’s up to snuff.”

This funny EA Sports UFC video comes just days after another YouTuber showed us that all kinds of video games are even more awesome when we watch them with wrestling commentary.

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EA Sports UFC

PlayStation 4

Xbox One

EA Sports